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Welcome Struggler.

How Does Guts From Berserk Train?

It’s hard not to be inspired by Guts from the Berserk manga. It’s not just his incredible physique, but the intensity and tenacity he inserts. While he may be a work of fiction, we see that his training is based on high volume repetitions of swinging his sword, coupled with explosive movements to make him a force to be reckoned with.

The Berserk Challenge was inspired by this, combining high volume kettlebell and steel mace/ macebell swings with heavy compound movements such as front squats, pull ups, overhead presses and dips.

5000 Kettlebell Swings. 5000 Macebell Swings. 20 workouts.

It takes a huge amount of strength and conditioning to chase down all the Apostles of the God Hand. Make Guts proud.

A variation of the original 10k kettlebell swing challenge, splitting the volume between kettlebell swings and macebell swings interlaced with heavy compound lifts.

This isn't easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.


Exclusive to the Strength Block App

The Berserk Challenge is structured as 20 workouts over a 30 day period. Each workout consists of 5 cluster sets of 50 reps of the kettlebell swing and macebell / steelmace swings, meaning that every session has you performing 250 kettlebell and macebell swings.

In addition to this, these cluster sets are broken up by a rotation of compound exercises, blending light high rep conditioning, with brutal strength.

While this may seem a bit confusing to get your head around, its laid out in our Strength Block App. Take the guess work out of your training and focus on doing what you do best - training hard!

Program Length: 4 Weeks

Session Length: 30 - 60 Min

Frequency: 5Sessions Per Week

This Program Requires Experience in the Gym

This program requires a decent amount of experience in the gym, as it will require you to perform an extremely high amount of volume, as well as heavy compound lifting whilst potentially being fatigued.

Only Available on The strength block app

Only Available on The strength block app ★

Train. Track. Progress.

This program is exclusive to the Strength Block App.

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