The Best Powerbuilding Programs: Get Strong. Build Muscle. Don't Compromise.
When Worlds Colliding: Powerlifting Meets Bodybuilding.
Powerbuilding is a hybrid training system that combines powerlifting programing with traditional bodybuilding methodologies. The result? A training plan with designed to simultaneously build strength in the squat, bench and deadlift through careful predication, while still maintaining an high volume approach to accessory work to stack on muscle.
Exclusive to the Strength Block App
Enter the power builder is a hybrid training program designed to build brutal strength in the squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press, while still providing enough volume to drive hypertrophy.
Prepare yourself for some challenging accessory work there's no doubt that you're going to be introduced to some unique training methodologies running this program.
The program utilises a rotating RPE structure to autoregulate the intensity day-by-day, while each mesocycle is block periodised to forge a path to hitting PBs in the final week.
Program Length: 12 Weeks + 1 Test Week
Session Length: 60 - 90 Min
Frequency: 4 Sessions Per Week
This Program Requires Experience in the Gym
This program requires you to have a decent level of experience in the squat, bench, overhead press and deadlift. As it is RPE based, you need to be comfortable judging your ability each day, as well as a willingness to hit maximal lifts.
Only Available on The strength block app
Only Available on The strength block app ★
Train. Track. Progress.
This program is exclusive to the Strength Block App.
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Exclusive to the Strength Block App
The sequel to "Enter The Power Builder"
If you've conquered "Enter the Power Builder", this is your next step. This program will give you a heavy sense of de ja vu - you'll recognise some of the methods used in ETB, but remixed, turned up in intensity, and adding another level of challenge. While there is a good dose of volume iover the next 12 weeks, you'll spend much more times moving around heavier iron.
If you haven't run ETB but consider yourself an advance lifter, you are more than welcome to jump right in. Just prepare yourself - its going to be a wild ride. week.
Program Length: 12 Weeks + 1 Test Week
Session Length: 60 - 90 Min
Frequency: 4 Sessions Per Week
This Program Requires Experience in the Gym
This program is advanced - meaning you’ll need a high level in of confidence in all of the main compound movements. It is recommended, but not necessary, to have run “Enter the Power Builder” prior to this. This program contains a lot of heavy lifting - you’ve been warned.

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