Train Track Progress
Your Pocket sized solution for expert strength coaching at an affordable price
training programs to get you stronger, build muscle, and break plateaus
From Beginner to Advanced Lifters, We've Designed a Training Program for You
know exactly what to do in the gym
Programs written by professional coaches to guarantee progress in the gym
customisable to your needs
Use our extesive exercise library to customise our programs to your needs and equipment.
Let us coach you
We provide video examples for every exercise, coaching notes and training resources to support each program
Track Everything.
Track every rep, set, and workout to celebrate every PB along the way.
Unlimited Access: 18+ Programs Available with New Programs Added Every Month
take control of you training.
Real People. Real Results.
Choose your plan
$60 Month
14 Day Free Trial
Unlimited Access to All Training Programs
Unlimited Access To The Strength Block Recipe Book
Video Explanations, Workout and Lifestyle Tracking
Annually - $600
$50 Month
14 Day Free Trial
Unlimited Access to All Training Programs
Unlimited Access To The Strength Block Recipe Book
Video Explanations, Workout and Lifestyle Tracking
FRequently asked questions
With the wide range of programs available on the Strength Block app, the equipment required differs from program to program.
While we do offer minimal equipment programs that can be done at home, the vast majority of programs will require a gym membership or home gym - mainly relying on barbells, dumbbells, a squat rack and bench.
Yes! If you have made progress on a program, there is nothing wrong with repeating it again - you can even switch out some of the exercises for something new if you want a slightly different experience the second time round. If you ever complete a program and have not made progress, you should try a different program from our library - sometimes you just need a new stimulus to break a plateau!
When it comes to your program, the goals can vary depending on what type you're using. For strength training, keep an eye on your progress by using the built-in estimated 1 rep max feature. It's a great way to track your strength gains over time! And if you're on a muscle-building program, take progress photos (front, side, back) to capture your transformation and see your amazing progress! Keep pushing forward!
No worries! Simply go ahead and remove that program from your calendar in the app, and feel free to add a new one. With your subscription, you have unlimited access, and the app is designed to be self-serve, making it super convenient for you.
All of our programs are labeled with a difficulty level, from beginner through to advanced. Our beginner plans assume you have very little experience in the gym, our intermediate plans assume you are comfortable compound lifts such as the squat, bench press and deadlift, while the advance plans require a higher level of skill and intuition to ensure that you stay safe.
You can use our advanced filter system in the app to help find the perfect program for you.
Yes, If you feel like this product isn't quite what you need to achieve your goals, no worries! You can simply cancel anytime within the app and you won't be charged anymore. How cool is that?
Yes! If you are wondering how to start powerlifting, our Beginner Powerlifting Blue Print plan is designed to teach you everything you need to know about powerlifting, even if you’ve never been to the gym.