How to Start Powerlifting
The Beginner Powerlifting Blueprint: Exclusive to the Strength Block App
Powerlifting has gained immense popularity over the last decade and there's a reason why - it is one of the best ways of building muscle, getting strong, and becoming an absolute weapon in the gym. But as a beginner, it can be a challenge knowing where to start.
Not anymore. We laid out all the steps to take you from being a new lifter, through to the squat rack being your second home.
Get Strong. Build Muscle. See Results with the Beginner Powerlifting Blueprint, exclusive to the Strength Block App.

Program Length: 20+ Weeks (own pace)
Session Length: 45-60 Min
Frequency: 3-4 Sessions Per Week
This Program Requires NO Experience in the Gym
This program is designed for beginners, even including an optional introductory 4 weeks for those with no experience with the barbell lifts.
Start Strong with the Beginner Powerlifting Blueprint
With the Beginner Powerlifting Blueprint, you'll have a clear, structured program designed by expert coach Damien Rabaud to guide you every step of the way. Ready to get started?
The Beginner Powerlifting Blue Print Is EXCLUSIVE TO The Strength Block App,
The Strength Block App is the result of our years of experience coaching clients, from people brand new to lifting through to record setting powerlifters. The app includes access to a range of programs, including the Beginner Powerlifting Blueprint
The app includes:
You have access to all of our programs, that range from beginner all the way to advanced lifters. These programs are designed by us, and specifically take advantage of all the equipment we have on offer at Strength Block.
You’ll be able to not only track all your workouts within the app, but our advanced programing auto calculates your weights to ensure that you’re making consistent progress.
Included in the Strength Block App is our recipe book, which contain a wide range of healthy recipes to keep you on track. All recipes include preparation instructions, calories and their macros.
The app also includes a built in macro calculator for high, low and moderate carbs splits.
The app integrates with both Android and Apple health tracking to ensure a seamless experience for logging steps, weight, nutritional tracking, and more!
why this is the best powerlifting program for beginners.
The Beginner Powerlifting Blueprint is designed to be more than just an online beginner powerlifting program template. ot os a structured system broken into blocks to help you learn how to train longterm. here is how the entire program is laid out.
Block 0: Before The Barbell (1-4 Weeks)
Get the Basics Right
Begin with confidence! This optional introduction helps you ease into powerlifting by mastering foundational movements and building initial strength. Perfect for those who want to ensure a safe and effective start.
Block 1: Building a Foundation (8+ Weeks)
Lay the Groundwork
Harness the power of linear periodization. This block draws inspiration from classic programs like Starting Strength, integrating core exercises with essential accessory work. Build strength steadily, and repeat as needed to solidify your progress.
Block 2: Finding a Training Max (1 Week)
Unlock Your Potential
Time to test what you've built! Learn how to establish your training max—a crucial component for tailoring your workouts and ensuring continued growth.
Block 3: Wave Periodisation - Strength and Work Capacity (8+ Weeks)
Ride the Wave of Progress
Transition to wave periodisation with a modified Wendler’s 5/3/1 approach. Experience the benefits of varied intensity and the excitement of AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) sets to push your limits.
Block 4: Finding a Training Max...Again (1 Week)
Reassess and Adjust
With newfound strength, it’s time to calculate a new training max. Gauge your progress and set the stage for the upcoming challenges.
Block 5: Weak Point Training and Introduction to RPE (7+ Weeks)
Target and Tweak
Address your unique challenges with weak point training and learn to utilize RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) for personalized intensity adjustments. This block ensures you develop a well-rounded and robust physique.
Block 6: Taper, Peak, and Test
Reach Your Peak
Gear up for your ultimate performance with strategic tapering and peaking. Test your one-rep maxes for the squat, bench press, and deadlift, and cement your strength achievements.
Only Available on The strength block app
Only Available on The strength block app ★
Train. Track. Progress.
This program is exclusive to the Strength Block App.
Get Started with a free 14 Day Trial
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